Date: February 2019   
Client: Appito       
Role: Service &
graphic designer


An all round experience using basic human connections to federate and create cohesion around a new service of the Appito App.

This is a service design matter. Appito is a football app aiming to gather amateur players in Brazil to play matches together.
Later on, it will open an Arena for the players to use in São Paulo.
Its founders came to us, asking for help in order to create an experience that would link the first purpose of the app to the new Arena, as well as to fidelize players to the place. Here, the end goal is not a finished product or a campaign communication, it is a service, a whole system built to federate users around a specific place.




© Eva Dantec 2020
Global designer

75018, Paris 
IDF, France
Phone: +33648221481
Instagram: @evadantec

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